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Dasyprocta aguti | Linnaeus, 1766

PHOTO: Property of Native / Embrapa

Characteristics: Species measuring 50 to 60cm in length. It has rough, yellowish red fur and relatively long legs; its rump is taller than its front end, thus this species is a good jumper.

Distribution: South America, from the Eastern Andean region to Bolivia, Eastern São Paulo, Mato Grosso, Argentina, and Paraguay.

Habitat: Rainforests, semideciduous forests, savannas and "caatinga" scrublands, usually distributed associated with waterways.

Habits: Terrestrial, diurnal or crepuscular species that is most active in the early morning and late afternoon. They live in permanent pairs, and their living area is approximately 2-3 hectares, with permanent sleeping places, feeding areas, and marked trails.

Diet: Herbivorous, feeding on fruits, roots, seeds, and various juicy plants.

Breeding: The gestation period is 105 to 120 days and they have 1-3 pups.

In the UFRA area: This mammal has been identified in wetlands with herbaceous plants, in the restored native forests, in mixed forests in regeneration, and in native forests. It was seen most often in mixed forests in regeneration. A rare species, since it was only spotted four times. It is an endangered species, ranked in the vulnerable category.