Introducing different styles in green space design-Episode 2: ZEN Garden.

Introducing different styles in green space design-Episode 2: ZEN Garden.

Japanese gardens are renowned for their transcendent beauty. The classical Zen garden, for example, is praised for its purity and meditative spirituality. Its trans formative quality is by no means an accident; Japanese gardens are meticulously designed and carefully crafted down to every single element. Their distinct styles are in fact exceedingly varied and reveal a deep connection to Japan’s history and culture.

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The Japanese dry garden or Japanese rock garden, often called a zen garden, is a distinctive style of Japanese garden. It creates a miniature stylized landscape through carefully composed arrangements of rocks, water features, moss, pruned trees and bushes, and uses gravel or sand that is raked to represent ripples in water.

The dry landscape garden is the best known type of Japanese garden type and is often called Zen garden. While monks do use them when practicing Zen, meditation more commonly takes place in groups in large rooms, often with no window.

Dry landscape gardens lack one elements that ties together all other styles of Japanese garden: the water. Water is instead replaced by gravel, giving the impression of a dry ocean or river. While people tend to focus on the stone settings of a dry landscape garden, the skill of the person who creates such a garden is more accurately reflected by the empty space between the stone groups. It is called yohaku no bi – the beauty of empty space.

Dry landscape gardens are famous for using only gravel and rocks, although in fact this is not quite true. In many dry gardens, plants play an important role.

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Individual elements hold deep symbolic meaning. Sand or gravel raked into patterns represents water, while larger rocks suggest islands, mountains, animals, or natural elements such as fire and earth. The emphasis on abstract concepts is intended to spur the imagination and allow the mind to wander, a crucial part of the meditative process. A Zen garden should afford quiet, privacy, and aesthetic beauty.

Include at least some of these primary features which characterize a traditional Zen garden.

  • Rocks.

These are one of the most important components of Japanese design, as they represent the human desire for eternity and enduring elements in nature. Choosing and siting larger rocks is crucial to a cohesive Zen design. Larger rocks, which act as sculptural elements, should be installed first since they are the heaviest material and are the primary focus.

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  • Gravel.

Gravel is an integral part of Zen gardens, with raked patterns having symbolic meaning. During the early and late part of the day, the low angle of the sun highlights the texture and patterns of the gravel, creating an ever-changing scene that’s visually engaging. The act of raking gravel is part of the meditative process and an acquired skill that helps improve mental concentration.

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Though sand can be used, gravel is more durable and easier to maintain. Use finely crushed gravel, pea gravel or small smooth pebbles which will be easy to rake into patterns. Light neutral colors of white, cream or grey are most typically used.

Patterns drawn in the gravel are used to signify a season or evoke a certain mood. Lines around larger rocks simulate water ripples, while wavy lines are reminiscent of a meandering stream. A straight line design can invoke serenity, leading the eye through the landscape or simulating a frozen winter scene.

Use a fine-toothed metal rake to smooth the gravel, then a specially designed, wide-toothed rake to draw the pattern.

  • Screening.

To create a secluded garden room, enclose the area with a wall, fencing, bamboo screening, lattice panels or formal hedging.

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  • Statuary.

A statue can serve as inspiration for meditation and become a major focal point. These typically include Buddha figurines or Japanese lanterns. Place in a prominent place in the garden.

  • Pathway.

A pathway can lead visitors into the garden or be placed through the gravel area to make it more accessible to maintain. Choose materials that will contrast with the larger rocks and gravel, such as darker colored stepping stones. Consider the placement of the pathway in relation to how it will affect your experience of the garden. Does it lead the eye through the space, or does it draw attention to particular features? A straight pathway looks more formal, while a meandering path creates stopping points along the way to linger and observe.

  • Seating.

Zen gardens are meant to be viewed from a particular vantage point. Place a stone bench or comfortable chair in a spot where you can most enjoy the garden.

  • Water.

Though water is not part of a traditional Zen garden, the sound of moving water can create a more soothing environment that is conducive to meditation. A trickling Asian-style fountain or waterfall will help drown out urban noise.

  • Lighting.

An often overlooked aspect of home landscaping, lighting adds aesthetic appeal and allows for time spent outdoors during the evenings. Illuminate pathways, statuary, or uplight trees.

  • Plants.

While Zen gardens typically use few plants, you can tailor this aspect to your own tastes and style. The type of plants used in Zen gardens tend to be low and creeping to complement rather than overwhelm the hardscaping. Flowers are sparse or non-existent, while foliage should be in neutral shades of green to evoke serenity and harmony. The best plants for a Zen garden include bonsai, topiaries, dwarf conifers, Japanese maples, azaleas, bamboo, sedges, creeping ground covers, ferns and mosses. The amount of light your space receives will determine whether sun or shade lovers will work best.

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Despite its austere appearance, a Zen garden requires regular maintenance to look its best. Caring for the garden is considered an important part of the meditative process.

  • Rake gravel.

Regular raking will help to keep patterns crisp and the gravel looking fresh.

  • Pick up leaves.

To keep the garden looking neat, regularly pick out or rake fallen leaves from the gravel and clean up any loose debris around stones and statuary.

  • Weed.

Keep gravel and planting areas free of weeds. This will be a more regular task during summer when weeds are more prolific, with little or no weeding necessary during colder months.

  • Prune.

Keep plants pruned to maintain a neat look. Shrubs can be kept sheared or shaped into topiaries. Cut out dead branches or growth as needed, and remove spent flowers. Trim creeping groundcovers away from gravel areas.


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