Angel Babies & Newborn Photography

Last week, I received a DM in my instagram messages from a sweet sister who was inquiring about a twin newborn session. Sadly, the family learned that one of their newborn baby boys would only be with them for a few days.

Special Needs

Their sweet babies were home from the hospital, but sadly, one baby boy was on hospice care. The family was looking for a newborn photographer… to take a few portraits of their family & remember him always.

The Session

As a Mama to 3 babies, my heart could not imagine what this family was going through. I offered my services complimentary and drove to Houston for an at home lifestyle session. Due to the special circumstances, I haven’t shared many of the images, but you can see the sweet toes here.

Infant Loss - newborn photography - angel babies

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep

A few years ago, I was asked to volunteer for an organization called Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep. It is a volunteer program that sends a newborn photographer to the hospital to photograph their baby and family. After I photographed this session the other day, it was on my mind and I wanted to share it with local moms and photographers in case you might want to help, or know a Mama that may need their services.

More About NILMDTS

To begin, you can visit their website HERE  and there is helpful information throughout the site.

How Does the Program Work?

“At your request, we will have a NILMDTS Affiliated Photographer come to your hospital or hospice location for a private and sensitive photography session. Our Affiliated Photographers are dedicated to making this photography session as loving, sensitive and private as possible. Families will be provided gently retouched black and white or sepia toned images and a print release, all at no charge.”

And More.

“Our professional-level Affiliated Photographers graciously donate their time and talents to our families, and we are proud to be able to offer our services at no cost.  Families are given a set of digital images and a license for personal use, which allows them to download and print the photos at a location of their choice at their own cost. We do also offer professional lab printing conveniently from your online image gallery directly. Print and shipping prices vary.”

Newborn Photography

As a newborn photographer, I see babies that are born with the perfect 10 fingers and 10 toes, but I also see families that may have a broken heart. As life goes, sad things happen, and as a Mom and photographer, I hope that I can share a little love from time to time to a Mama that really needs it…

… and now that you know about this organization, you can too.

If you, or someone you know has had a miscarriage, or lost a baby, I just want to say that I’m so sorry and I’m sending you love and hugs.

Lots of Love,
