Horticulture Magazine


tayberry fruits on a branch
Chris Lee, MA - Gardening Writer

Chris is a gardening writer and nature enthusiast. He graduated from Oxford Brookes University in 2022 with an MA in Psychology. Chris works with the Leeds Green Action Society, helping their food cooperative by growing various fruit and vegetables on their two allotments in Hyde Park, Leeds.

/ Updated August 22nd, 2023

Colin is a Horticulturist and Horticultural Consultant with experience in a range of practical and managerial roles across heritage, commercial and public horticulture. He holds the Royal Horticultural Society’s Master of Horticulture award and has a particular interest in horticultural ecology and naturalistic planting for habitat and climate resilience.

/ Meets Our Editorial Guidelines

Ask someone to name their favourite berries, and it’s unlikely tayberry will make the list.

Instead they’ll probably say strawberry, raspberry, blueberry, or blackberry. 

This is where you can blow their mind by telling them about the tayberry: a patented cross between a blackberry and a red raspberry, the handiwork of one Derek L Jennings, who spent five years of his life striving to – and eventually succeeding in – creating a hybrid of the two popular berries.1Patents by Inventor Derek L. Jennings. (n.d.-b). Justia Patents Search. Retrieved March 24, 2023, from https://patents.justia.com/inventor/derek-l-jennings

Pop a tayberry in your mouth and you get the juicy aromatic sweetness of both, in a package closer in size to a large raspberry.

lush red tayberries

For the uninitiated (which is most people), their first tayberry is often a revelatory experience.

And this guide will teach you how to grow your own, so you can provide that revelation.


Botanical NameRubus fruticosus x idaeus
Common Name(s)Tayberry Plant
Plant TypeFruit / Perennial
Native AreaScottish Cultivar
Hardiness RatingH5
FlowersFlowers followed by berries
When To SowJanuary, February, March, November, December
Flowering MonthsJune
Harvesting MonthsJuly
When To PruneAugust, September

Full Sun



1.5 – 2.5M

1.5 – 2.5M

Bloom Time


Loam, sand

Moist but well drained


It’s a testament to Jennings’ work and the assistance he received from the Scottish Horticultural Research Institute that the tayberry can now grow and propagate naturally in the wild.2History. (n.d.). The James Hutton Institute. Retrieved March 24, 2023, from https://www.hutton.ac.uk/about/history

The berry is suitable for use in cooking as well as eating raw, and although it’s not as common as either of its genetic parents, it can be found in many places around the UK.

By following the steps in this guide, you can add your garden – and maybe the gardens of your friends and family – to that list of places.

Why Grow Them?

Growing berry bushes in your garden is a good way to keep a steady stream of their delicious fruit flowing into your home.

Rubus fruticosus x idaeus plant with long red fruit growing from a garden support structure

Although the bushes themselves aren’t as pretty or ornamental as some other flowers and shrubs, they do provide a nice rugged aesthetic that can work well.

Because many people won’t have heard of tayberry, growing a bush in your garden is a good point of interest.

Depending on your reasons for gardening, having a plant that’s a guaranteed conversation starter could be reason enough in itself.

How To Grow Tayberries

First you need to decide which variety to grow.

Some, like ‘Buckingham’, don’t have thorns, which makes them a lot more manageable when handling the stems (while pruning or harvesting, for example).

Tayberries at various stages of ripeness growing from a large border bush

Also consider how much fruit each variety is prone to put out: ‘Medana’ is known for giving a bountiful harvest.

Where To Grow

Tayberries aren’t fussy, but certain conditions will encourage fuller growth than others.

If you’re aiming for as much fruit as possible (and why wouldn’t you be!), try to find somewhere in your garden that gets a lot of sunlight, and where the soil can drain adequately.

Planting Tayberry

Tayberry, like other berry bushes, isn’t grown from seed.

Rather, you either buy a small, established plant and transplant it into your garden, or you acquire a cutting and grow that.

various berry plants sat together in a garden centre

Once you’ve got your plant, simply dig a hole big enough for it to fit into, and pop it in.

Water the topsoil gently to give the plant moisture, then keep a careful eye on it to ensure growth.


Tayberries do well if they’ve got a wall to lean on or some wires to support their vertical growth.

A full-size tayberry plant can weigh a lot, and helping them to counteract gravity a little bit can lead to fuller, stronger growth, and more fruit.

“Timber supports with lateral wires at regular intervals (0.5m, 1m and 1.5m high, for example) provide a good framework for tying in tayberry canes,” says Horticultural Consultant Colin Skelly.

“In full leaf, they can be quite beefy, so use sturdy timber uprights to support your wires.”


Fertilising a newly-planted tayberry with general fertiliser will help it to get the nutrients it needs to grow big and strong.

After that, one round of fertiliser each spring should help the plant to maintain a healthy balance of nutrients.

a heavily mulched berry bush seedling being watered from a blue and yellow watering can

For subsequent feeds, you can use compost or mulched leaves.


Water your tayberry more than usual during its first year, as this will contribute to its ability to grow to its full potential.

After that you can water less, as the plant will most likely get what it needs from rain and moisture in the atmosphere.

During drought, give the plant a little extra.


Tayberries fruit on last season’s growth, so you need to separate the current season’s growth from last years.

secateurs being used to prune the old growth of a berry shrub

This is usually done by tying new stems (known as canes) in a vertical position as they grow.

The previous year’s growth which will fruit in the current year was tied in laterally last year.

In autumn, these stems can be removed at ground level and the current season’s stems tied in laterally, leaving room in the centre for next season’s new growth to be tied in.’


One of the main reasons to grow a berry bush is to eat the berries that grow on it. And tayberry is no different.

In the second or third year after planting you should notice a bountiful harvest of plump berries that range from red through to dark purple as they ripen.

Harvesting is as simple as picking the berries, while taking care not to prick your fingers on the thorns if you’ve chosen a thorny variety.

The berries will keep for a few days in a dry, cool environment, or you can freeze them pretty much indefinitely.

plump red tayberries that have been freshly harvested

Be aware that freezing will make the berries mushy once they thaw out again, so this is only an option if you’re planning to cook with the berries.

We’d be remiss at this point not to advise you to incorporate tayberries into a crumble, whether alone or as part of a medley of autumn fruits (apple, blackberry, rhubarb, and so on).

The humble crumble is one of the UK’s favourite desserts, and growing a berry bush in your garden practically demands that you pump them out on a continuous and relentless basis whenever you’re able.


Another way to spread the tayberry love, aside from inundating your nearest and dearest with endless crumble, is to give them cuttings from which they can grow their own tayberry.

To propagate, just cut 30cm or so from a mature bush.

Then, bury most of it a few inches below the ground into rich, fertile soil.

The cutting should begin to put forth roots, and should mature into a standalone bush soon enough.

This is a great option for spreading tayberries into other areas of your garden, or to other gardens.

cutting into a bush at about 30cm depth

To expand a tayberry bush in the same area of your garden, you can bend an existing stem (don’t remove it!), and simply plant the end underground.

This should then start to root, extending the mother plant and promoting new growth.

Common Problems

This berry bush is susceptible to a few pests, most of whom are opportunistic fruit-fanciers.

Fruit Flies

These pesky critters are the same ones you see floating on the surface of any sweet or alcoholic drink you have the audacity to leave unattended for five seconds or more.

They love fruit, and will invade tayberry bushes to get a taste of it.

“Try to pick fruit when just ripe to minimise fruit flies,” shares Colin.

raspberry fruit that has been eaten into by Spotted Wing Drosophila and fruit flies
Raspberry Beetles

Sadly these guys haven’t got the memo that tayberries aren’t raspberries, and will try their best to bother your plant.

They burrow into berries and can give a distinctly unpleasant surprise if not discovered until you bite into one, so stay vigilant.

raspberry beetle shown on the damaged flower buds of a raspberry plant

It’s a rare treat to discover a new fruit, especially one that’s been growing under your nose for forty years.

And with blackberries and raspberries being ever-popular members of the British garden harvest, the opportunity to combine them is one that shouldn’t be missed.

Growing tayberry in your garden is easy, quick and – if you avoid the thorns – painless.

Soon you’ll have a thriving bush putting forth plenty of delicious, juicy berries, with which you can make many tasty treats.


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